Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Big Show - Part One

Opening Night Favorites

It was a wonderful opening night.  Spectacular light poured into the gallery from the west.  The layout looked even better than I had imagined it.  Lots of nice folks stopped by to enjoy wine and stimulating conversation.  And if I may say so, the prints looked pretty darned good.

One friend told me that the images looked "sharper than real life."  I was humbled by the compliment.

Everyone had a favorite print - or two, or three, or four - and we had a lot of fun discussing each image and the story behind it.

One of the big hits was The Painted Piano, which I count among my personal favorites.  Beyond the novelty of the scene, the musician's expression is compelling, and the colors are rich and bold.  This is probably the sharpest print in the show, as well, which certainly doesn't hurt.

a photo of a man playing a brightly colored painted piano in new york

Another favorite was Ballerina With Photographers primarily due to its unusual perspective.

a photo of a ballerina being photographed at washington square park

Many folks enjoyed the quirky Free Hugs, which I snapped in Union Square Park - just prior to receiving a hug that I really wasn't prepared for.  One attendee expressed an interest in hanging this in his office.

a photo of people giving away free hugs at union square in new york

Another personal favorite, Cigar Store Indian received a number of compliments.  Folks enjoyed the juxtaposition between the young couple and the carved antique Indian figure.

a photograph of a cigar store indian by daniel south

Finally, The Reader generated quite a bit of excitement as anticipated.  I had received so much positive feedback on this portrait through the blog and the website that I decided to make it the centerpiece of the exhibit, a forty-inch print hanging solo on a dedicated wall. 

a photograph of a young woman reading on the street in new york city

The exhibit will hang for only two more weeks, so if you want to see these works in person, you'd better catch the R train and hop on over to Brooklyn pronto, amigo.

Exclusive engagement through 4 July 2012 at Two Moon Art House and Cafe, 315 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.

Gallery inquiries welcome.

Light happens.  Be ready.  Shoot hard.

Copyright © 2012 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved


  1. Thanks for sharing...I had been wanting to ask you how it went this weekend, and now I know! Not as good as being there in person, but your writing made me feel as though I almost was. And again, these are amazing photographs- they draw me right into them and I feel I am there with your subjects. Bravo Dan!

    1. Thank you very much! It was a wonderful evening, and lots of nice folks stopped by to enjoy the experience. I'm so sorry that you couldn't be among them.

      I was very happy with the layout and presentation of the images. After all of the decisions that went into the design and setup of the show, I was very pleased with how it all worked out. It was exciting finally to see what I had been carrying around in my head for so long. :-)
